Tag: whitefella


Ayers Rock is not a church or someone’s backyard!

Ayers Rock did and still should belong to all Australians she is not a church or someone’s backyard she is a masterpiece of earth’s vibrant geological creation in an Australian National Park. All Earth’s mountains command respect and none in the realm of nature are more sacrosanct or more revered than any other. None can be compared to a church, a temple, the Taj Mahal, […]


Sit quietly and you can hear Bennelong’s blackfella chuckling

Bennelong’s voice has trickled through the narrative of First Fleet onlookers. It chats to us from over two centuries ago to current time and naturally has been translated and misconstrued in turn by native mobs, anthropologists, historians, story tellers, and linguists along the way. Bennelong is an unfading elder and his spirit does speak to us from behind the veil. Bennelong is reflective about the […]


British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians citizenship power

British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians a legal citizenship power, blackfella, whitefella all the same! Jus soli or birthright citizenship is not an automatic right in many countries around the world. For the past couple of centuries the term ‘nation’ has referred to a group of people who are geographically, culturally, and politically integrated. For them the idea of legal citizenship is powerful. […]


British settlement’s biggest threat to blackfella mobs was a loss of hunter gatherer lifestyle

The 1788 British settlement’s biggest threat to local native, mobs was the loss of their hunter gatherer way of life. Today we have a stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to a select faction of Aboriginal owned corporations. In the first year of British settlement the local natives attacked unarmed convicts and fishermen, and sporadically, armed officers and soldiers. No one grasped that living […]


Who is kidding who about blackfella inclusion in the Australian constitution?

Who is kidding who about inclusion in the Australian constitution? The blackfella’s of today want their own national sovereignty “a space of our own, free from influence of whitefella government” The Torres Strait Island flag was adopted by the nation of Torres Strait Islander peoples in May 1992. The First Nations national flag was first raised on 9 July 1971 at a land rights activists […]


Torres Strait islander savagery ceased with British civilization

Torres Strait islanders are people who graduated from inter island warfare and savagery to British civilization in little more than half a century. Travelling through the Torres Strait throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries was a dangerous passage for European seafarers. Apart from a maze of largely not surveyed reefs, mariners had to negotiate passage through waters inhabited by local islander tribes who […]