Tag: wheelchair user


Instead of the wheelchair being seen as freedom giving equipment the wheelchair is a society symbol of sickness, unhealthy and social ‘disability’

Write a book and it makes you an expert. Write an academic book and it is taught in education institutions and revered by the 1st class honours solution searchers. Say something often enough and people accept it as factual evidence. Free thinking is removed from the education curriculum and replaced by authoritarian consensus. The ‘disability’ stereotype was born and is continually reinforced via this process. […]


Gregarious family life and powerful love intimacy is real in the life of people with broken bodies

Charismatic , charming, and humorous, Robin Francis Cavendish is another well publicised story of a man who was not ‘disabled’ by life or society in spite of his massively damaged body. The 2017 film Breathe, directed by his son, is based on the true story of Robin’s life. But does the film tell the full story… of a quadriplegics normal life? Robin refused to be […]


Don’t strip me of my wheels to rescue me!

Not so long-ago Tony and I went to a show at a Melbourne Theatre. The wheelchair user seating was on the left-hand wall aisle near the draughty exit doors. There was an option given for Tony to transfer onto a theatre seat. The drawback was the wheelchair would be taken away and stored in the mangers office until after the performance had finished. Does the […]


Cruise Ship Emergency Drills Evacuation Plans

Independent egress for wheelchair users is something that I have personally observed as an absolute non-concern for any government authority. Acts and regulations are meaningless lip service to pretend right and wrong are acknowledged and dealt with. There is no direct egress off cruise ships for people with mobility issues. FULL STOP. Although the procedures say there should be, there is more often than not […]


“If you can’t walk you can’t take the tender” is simply violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation

Hurtful disability discrimination is caused more though plain ignorance due to no experience so no recognition of someone else’s normal. Not all disability discrimination is illegal nor should it be. This is a two way street. I will next discuss the intensive news and internet exposed incident instigated by a C5 quadriplegic public speaker that occurred at an Indian restaurant near his home in a […]


The Social Model of Disability is a joke Joyce!

Australia’s proud culture was built on taking the Micky out of all and sundry especially ourselves. Jokes are a fantastic tool to allow people to see and be educated in the variation in culture and individual situations. An individual reaction to a joke provides an insight into that individual’s belief system. Nothing more, nothing less.   Offense comes from within the self and cannot be […]