Tag: torres strait islander


British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians citizenship power

British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians a legal citizenship power, blackfella, whitefella all the same! Jus soli or birthright citizenship is not an automatic right in many countries around the world. For the past couple of centuries the term ‘nation’ has referred to a group of people who are geographically, culturally, and politically integrated. For them the idea of legal citizenship is powerful. […]


Who is kidding who about blackfella inclusion in the Australian constitution?

Who is kidding who about inclusion in the Australian constitution? The blackfella’s of today want their own national sovereignty “a space of our own, free from influence of whitefella government” The Torres Strait Island flag was adopted by the nation of Torres Strait Islander peoples in May 1992. The First Nations national flag was first raised on 9 July 1971 at a land rights activists […]


Race is a social construct – the colour of your skin does not make you a blackfella, politician or not!

A cultural personal identity means nothing in the greater scheme of things and flagging attention to individual cultural personal identity has no place in the Australian parliament. ‘Indigenous parliamentarian’ is said to be a member of the Australian parliament who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or as having Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ancestry. The place we come from is not explained […]