Tag: love


Gregarious family life and powerful love intimacy is real in the life of people with broken bodies

Charismatic , charming, and humorous, Robin Francis Cavendish is another well publicised story of a man who was not ‘disabled’ by life or society in spite of his massively damaged body. The 2017 film Breathe, directed by his son, is based on the true story of Robin’s life. But does the film tell the full story… of a quadriplegics normal life? Robin refused to be […]


British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians citizenship power

British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians a legal citizenship power, blackfella, whitefella all the same! Jus soli or birthright citizenship is not an automatic right in many countries around the world. For the past couple of centuries the term ‘nation’ has referred to a group of people who are geographically, culturally, and politically integrated. For them the idea of legal citizenship is powerful. […]


Feel love, show love, share love of time and life

Once upon a heaven’s day Love came to me with tears of joy and sadness. Help us, Help us, the masses cried. Help us, Help us, the masses cried. Joy! Joy! Joy! to the world below and beyond. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you… Feel the love. Show the love. Share the love of time and life, today and tomorrow, it is the chosen path. […]


Without me, there is no we…

Without me, there is no we. Here we have a human problem that cannot be solved by any written legislation. Just image, if you care to, how much happened to my husband in the 65 years he lived with paraplegia, and to me in the 43 years we shared together. The physical exertion and pain, the financial struggle, the emotional trauma, the mental anguish. The […]


Inside and Outside Maria’s Disability Pie

Inside and Outside Maria’s Dis-ability Pie. The place I come from is not explained by the colour of our skin, our cultural heritage, our ancestral heritage, our gender, our sexual preference, our age, where we lived or what language we spoke. I come from a place no one else can because no one else but Tony and I was there. Young lovers eagerly, willingly, committed […]