Tag: human rights


‘He’ is my husband; I am not his ‘carer’ so treat me like you treat everyone else’s wife

Diversity is a catch cry, all dressed up with nowhere to go in the discussion of disability embracement. Many people are overly concerned with cultural and linguistical diversity at the expense of rigorous discussion from free thinking and real lived experiences of people who have consistently and continually been included in somethings and excluded from other things.   The phrase “politically correct” is used to […]


Without me, there is no we…

Without me, there is no we. Here we have a human problem that cannot be solved by any written legislation. Just image, if you care to, how much happened to my husband in the 65 years he lived with paraplegia, and to me in the 43 years we shared together. The physical exertion and pain, the financial struggle, the emotional trauma, the mental anguish. The […]