Tag: discrimination


No one but self is responsible for how another person feels or reacts to spoken or written words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” Once upon a time, people were taught to be tolerant and not get upset about what another person may say regardless of how audacious or foolhardy the words used were. And yes it is very natural to be fearful of a simpleton walking alone down the street having conversations with themselves, especially […]


Did any wheelchair user have independent egress off the cruise ship that did sink leaving this wheelchair in the muddy slush?

We are all human you know… individuals in our own right and collectively without distinction, without placing labels, without differentiating any of us. As part of a civilized human society we all deserve to live with dignity without deprivation, detriment, or fear regardless of our individual status or what our laws of the day say. The worst result for society is for ‘advantage’ to be […]


“If you can’t walk you can’t take the tender” is simply violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation

Hurtful disability discrimination is caused more though plain ignorance due to no experience so no recognition of someone else’s normal. Not all disability discrimination is illegal nor should it be. This is a two way street. I will next discuss the intensive news and internet exposed incident instigated by a C5 quadriplegic public speaker that occurred at an Indian restaurant near his home in a […]


Disability Discrimination is NOT a Crime!

People living with disability are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system because unacceptable things that happen to them are not recognised or considered as a crime, which can make them hit out due to frustration and feelings of hopelessness. A Royal Commission in Australia is a public inquiry of the highest legal order on matters of great public importance. An independent […]


Inside and Outside Maria’s Disability Pie

Inside and Outside Maria’s Dis-ability Pie. The place I come from is not explained by the colour of our skin, our cultural heritage, our ancestral heritage, our gender, our sexual preference, our age, where we lived or what language we spoke. I come from a place no one else can because no one else but Tony and I was there. Young lovers eagerly, willingly, committed […]