Tag: data modelling


Instead of the wheelchair being seen as freedom giving equipment the wheelchair is a society symbol of sickness, unhealthy and social ‘disability’

Write a book and it makes you an expert. Write an academic book and it is taught in education institutions and revered by the 1st class honours solution searchers. Say something often enough and people accept it as factual evidence. Free thinking is removed from the education curriculum and replaced by authoritarian consensus. The ‘disability’ stereotype was born and is continually reinforced via this process. […]


Emergency plan was government cure for“invisible grim reaper” COVID-19 virus

In 2020 nearly every government on Earth panicked and fell into the same New World Order trap. Both COVID-19 and Black Summer bushfires are individual disasters that started as emergency situations. One was caused by nature the other by a man-made reaction to World Health Organisation “virus pandemic propaganda”. In the case of COVID-19 all government in Australia failed its citizens. Governments around Australia do […]