Tag: complaint


Did any wheelchair user have independent egress off the cruise ship that did sink leaving this wheelchair in the muddy slush?

We are all human you know… individuals in our own right and collectively without distinction, without placing labels, without differentiating any of us. As part of a civilized human society we all deserve to live with dignity without deprivation, detriment, or fear regardless of our individual status or what our laws of the day say. The worst result for society is for ‘advantage’ to be […]


What humanity means is forgotten by the elite who enjoy and control abstract human rights

Licorice is a sweet, chewy, aromatic black substance made by evaporation from the juice of a root and used as a sweet and in medicine. Licorice Allsorts came into being when a Bassett company’s salesman accidentally tripped over dropping a tray of samples, he was showing a client, mixing up the various sweets. The mascot of the Bassett company is Bertie Bassett, a figure made […]


Disability Discrimination is NOT a Crime!

People living with disability are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system because unacceptable things that happen to them are not recognised or considered as a crime, which can make them hit out due to frustration and feelings of hopelessness. A Royal Commission in Australia is a public inquiry of the highest legal order on matters of great public importance. An independent […]