Tag: colonization


Whitefella Geoffrey Bardon gave ‘Dot’ painting to ‘Aboriginal Race’ in 1971

A local native Arrernte artist has explained that ‘dot painting’ is about cultural law and watercolour paintings were about culture of country followed in the dweller’s area. In a government settlement town of Papunya in Australia’s Western Desert, in the very wet year of 1971 ‘Aboriginal Race’ Dot painting originated. 52 years ago. This art style has no ancient cultural heritage no matter how many […]


In 1788 the primitive local natives did not know what a flag was nevertheless design or make one!

For many decades the indoctrination has been Australian natives were from one and the same traditional culture. A programming that is just not true. Nobody’s land is a concept that a land mass can be legally deemed to be unoccupied or uninhabited. A doctrine that has existed in the law of nations throughout the development of Western democracy. A concept derived from ancient Roman law […]


Blackfella Maria Lock married a whitefella, a convict, who the government assigned to her

Blackfella Maria Lock lived a good life in Australia where she enjoyed peace, prosperity and happiness. Although the British with their armed protection had come charging into the landscape it did not stop her from having a happy childhood full of optimism and playful fun in the sunshine. Not everyday of her life was free of depression and despair and initially living a life away […]


British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians citizenship power

British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians a legal citizenship power, blackfella, whitefella all the same! Jus soli or birthright citizenship is not an automatic right in many countries around the world. For the past couple of centuries the term ‘nation’ has referred to a group of people who are geographically, culturally, and politically integrated. For them the idea of legal citizenship is powerful. […]


British settlement’s biggest threat to blackfella mobs was a loss of hunter gatherer lifestyle

The 1788 British settlement’s biggest threat to local native, mobs was the loss of their hunter gatherer way of life. Today we have a stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to a select faction of Aboriginal owned corporations. In the first year of British settlement the local natives attacked unarmed convicts and fishermen, and sporadically, armed officers and soldiers. No one grasped that living […]