Tag: citizen


Without assimilation Australian culture and values are being lost, confused, and overridden

A national constitution is a set of rules for the responsible governing of that country. Let’s start at the very beginning, the word ‘native’, a noun, is defined in the English language by Merriam-Webster dictionary as: The word indigenous is an adjective and derives from the Latin noun indigena which means ‘native’. Plain simple truth is every Homo sapiens born in Australia is an Australian […]


British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians citizenship power

British settlement is guilty of giving all Australians a legal citizenship power, blackfella, whitefella all the same! Jus soli or birthright citizenship is not an automatic right in many countries around the world. For the past couple of centuries the term ‘nation’ has referred to a group of people who are geographically, culturally, and politically integrated. For them the idea of legal citizenship is powerful. […]