Tag: blackfella


In 1788 the primitive local natives did not know what a flag was nevertheless design or make one!

For many decades the indoctrination has been Australian natives were from one and the same traditional culture. A programming that is just not true. Nobody’s land is a concept that a land mass can be legally deemed to be unoccupied or uninhabited. A doctrine that has existed in the law of nations throughout the development of Western democracy. A concept derived from ancient Roman law […]


‘Aboriginal Race’ fruitful hunter treaty is a demand on Australian taxpayers money

The ‘fruitful native hunter’ on his reappearance at camp had to share the wild animals he had procured not only with his family, but with all those who had traditional claims upon his labours as dictated by the elders. The British are said to have treated Australia as terra nullius. In the New World European discovery era the British came across an unowned land, a […]


‘Aboriginal Race’ remote communities are artificial townships that breed abuse

The First Nations cult’s ‘Aboriginal Race’ remote communities in Australia are artificial townships where English, Australia’s national language, is not the first language taught or spoken. A civil society is the ecosystem of a peaceful, empowered, and prosperous community. In any civil society people need to be able to speak the same language to support engaged young people, to inspire leaders, to foster common good […]


A stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to modern blackfellas

A stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to a select faction of First Nations cult owned corporations. Crown land is not owned by the government of the day it belongs to its citizens. Federation established six British colonies as one country named Commonwealth of Australia. All the land on the mainland continent of Australia and its islands are citizen owned Crown Land. Many citizens […]


Ayers Rock is not a church or someone’s backyard!

Ayers Rock did and still should belong to all Australians she is not a church or someone’s backyard she is a masterpiece of earth’s vibrant geological creation in an Australian National Park. All Earth’s mountains command respect and none in the realm of nature are more sacrosanct or more revered than any other. None can be compared to a church, a temple, the Taj Mahal, […]