Tag: Aboriginal Australia


‘Aboriginal Race’ fruitful hunter treaty is a demand on Australian taxpayers money

The ‘fruitful native hunter’ on his reappearance at camp had to share the wild animals he had procured not only with his family, but with all those who had traditional claims upon his labours as dictated by the elders. The British are said to have treated Australia as terra nullius. In the New World European discovery era the British came across an unowned land, a […]


Torres Strait islander savagery ceased with British civilization

Torres Strait islanders are people who graduated from inter island warfare and savagery to British civilization in little more than half a century. Travelling through the Torres Strait throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries was a dangerous passage for European seafarers. Apart from a maze of largely not surveyed reefs, mariners had to negotiate passage through waters inhabited by local islander tribes who […]


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is a modern dreamtime

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is a modern dreamtime of some power driven greedy Aboriginal/First Nations activists… Will these people achieve in Australia what Putin has in Russia…? My concern is not a personal issue related to one personal experience it is a public interest issue that effects all people said to have protection under our Australian Constitution and current complex and confusing human […]