
Gregarious family life and powerful love intimacy is real in the life of people with broken bodies

Charismatic , charming, and humorous, Robin Francis Cavendish is another well publicised story of a man who was not ‘disabled’ by life or society in spite of his massively damaged body. The 2017 film Breathe, directed by his son, is based on the true story of Robin’s life. But does the film tell the full story… of a quadriplegics normal life? Robin refused to be […]


Polio is a good example to explain the difference between sickness and ‘disability’

At various times during the first half of the 20th century, with an upsurge in cases each summer, Poliomyelitis, commonly called polio struck randomly. Polio is a virus that spreads indiscriminately from human to human. A virus that socked individuals without warning and who once infected had no treatment besides time and tending to the symptoms. With similar numbers to the COVID19 virus, in about […]


Access and Inclusion Plans are compliance “MUST DO” suffocating conscience insight

Music is composed in the mind before it is recorded on paper or digitally in our physical world. Access and inclusion plans are supposed to identify and can lead to addressing barriers to inclusion. The plans are directed to have an aim of inspiring improvements to accessible and inclusive communities, agencies and practices for people living with ‘disability’. However, these plans are central to the […]


DISABILITY label is a grievous misdemeanour against freedom of living a normal life

“Hey mum can you give me the blind man’s phone number?” “Sorry son, I don’t know any blind men.” “I mean the man who makes blinds to cover the windows.” “Oh, yes sure. Here it is.” A crucial requirement of grasping the needs of another human being is to understand their life circumstances and experiences. Sometimes conceptual frameworks are used in an attempt to sense […]


Did any wheelchair user have independent egress off the cruise ship that did sink leaving this wheelchair in the muddy slush?

We are all human you know… individuals in our own right and collectively without distinction, without placing labels, without differentiating any of us. As part of a civilized human society we all deserve to live with dignity without deprivation, detriment, or fear regardless of our individual status or what our laws of the day say. The worst result for society is for ‘advantage’ to be […]