Category: Disability


Disability Discrimination is NOT a Crime!

People living with disability are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system because unacceptable things that happen to them are not recognised or considered as a crime, which can make them hit out due to frustration and feelings of hopelessness. A Royal Commission in Australia is a public inquiry of the highest legal order on matters of great public importance. An independent […]


Human dignity means valuing and appreciating humanness.

Human dignity means valuing and appreciating humanness no matter how quirky or misaligned a human function is. A pride parade of smugness that every human being functions as a human being no matter how quirky or misaligned that function is. Acknowledgement each and every soul is born into human existence with a connected innate grace that makes them equal in the eyes of the creator […]


Without me, there is no we…

Without me, there is no we. Here we have a human problem that cannot be solved by any written legislation. Just image, if you care to, how much happened to my husband in the 65 years he lived with paraplegia, and to me in the 43 years we shared together. The physical exertion and pain, the financial struggle, the emotional trauma, the mental anguish. The […]


Inside and Outside Maria’s Disability Pie

Inside and Outside Maria’s Dis-ability Pie. The place I come from is not explained by the colour of our skin, our cultural heritage, our ancestral heritage, our gender, our sexual preference, our age, where we lived or what language we spoke. I come from a place no one else can because no one else but Tony and I was there. Young lovers eagerly, willingly, committed […]