Category: Disability


The Social Model of Disability is a joke Joyce!

Australia’s proud culture was built on taking the Micky out of all and sundry especially ourselves. Jokes are a fantastic tool to allow people to see and be educated in the variation in culture and individual situations. An individual reaction to a joke provides an insight into that individual’s belief system. Nothing more, nothing less.   Offense comes from within the self and cannot be […]


‘He’ is my husband; I am not his ‘carer’ so treat me like you treat everyone else’s wife

Diversity is a catch cry, all dressed up with nowhere to go in the discussion of disability embracement. Many people are overly concerned with cultural and linguistical diversity at the expense of rigorous discussion from free thinking and real lived experiences of people who have consistently and continually been included in somethings and excluded from other things.   The phrase “politically correct” is used to […]


A boy is a boy! A girl is a girl! Anything else is adult exploitation using child injurious labels!

Around the world there as a fuzzy sight, a hazy sound, lurking to find the ‘incurable social misfits’ are the label makers. Job creators. Government funding activists. Their job is to twist the innocent psychology of children and those with permanent physical and mental impairments into money creating legends and myths. During my life I have never met a human that is not unique or […]


Whitefella Geoffrey Bardon gave ‘Dot’ painting to ‘Aboriginal Race’ in 1971

A local native Arrernte artist has explained that ‘dot painting’ is about cultural law and watercolour paintings were about culture of country followed in the dweller’s area. In a government settlement town of Papunya in Australia’s Western Desert, in the very wet year of 1971 ‘Aboriginal Race’ Dot painting originated. 52 years ago. This art style has no ancient cultural heritage no matter how many […]


‘Aboriginal Race’ fruitful hunter treaty is a demand on Australian taxpayers money

The ‘fruitful native hunter’ on his reappearance at camp had to share the wild animals he had procured not only with his family, but with all those who had traditional claims upon his labours as dictated by the elders. The British are said to have treated Australia as terra nullius. In the New World European discovery era the British came across an unowned land, a […]