Category: Disability Rights and Attitudes


Access and Inclusion Plans are compliance “MUST DO” suffocating conscience insight

Music is composed in the mind before it is recorded on paper or digitally in our physical world. Access and inclusion plans are supposed to identify and can lead to addressing barriers to inclusion. The plans are directed to have an aim of inspiring improvements to accessible and inclusive communities, agencies and practices for people living with ‘disability’. However, these plans are central to the […]


DISABILITY label is a grievous misdemeanour against freedom of living a normal life

“Hey mum can you give me the blind man’s phone number?” “Sorry son, I don’t know any blind men.” “I mean the man who makes blinds to cover the windows.” “Oh, yes sure. Here it is.” A crucial requirement of grasping the needs of another human being is to understand their life circumstances and experiences. Sometimes conceptual frameworks are used in an attempt to sense […]