Category: Disability Rights and Attitudes


Some think renaming ‘disabled parking’ or ‘disabled toilets’ to include ‘accessible’ fixes everything…

Disability’ is something imposed on top of a person’s impairments by the way they are unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full participation in society. Disability’ arouses pity and pity peddling. ‘Disability’ arouses hero inspiration for doing normal stuff. ‘Disability’ arouses invasive inquisitiveness. ‘Disability’ suggests tragedy. ‘Disability’ stands for dispossession and misery.  ‘Disability’ confirms one-dimensional. ‘Disability’ purports need fixing. ‘Disability’ is a plot device. ‘Disability’ is […]


No one but self is responsible for how another person feels or reacts to spoken or written words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” Once upon a time, people were taught to be tolerant and not get upset about what another person may say regardless of how audacious or foolhardy the words used were. And yes it is very natural to be fearful of a simpleton walking alone down the street having conversations with themselves, especially […]


Social model of disability is archaic and flawed

The barriers damaged humans encounter in their daily life include inaccessible education systems, inaccessible work settings, deficient impairment benefits, discriminatory health and social support services, hard to access transport, unfit for purpose accommodation, public buildings, and amenities. The degrading of some types of body damage in people occurs through innocent ignorance, comic relief, and negative images in the media – films, television and newspapers. There […]


Instead of the wheelchair being seen as freedom giving equipment the wheelchair is a society symbol of sickness, unhealthy and social ‘disability’

Write a book and it makes you an expert. Write an academic book and it is taught in education institutions and revered by the 1st class honours solution searchers. Say something often enough and people accept it as factual evidence. Free thinking is removed from the education curriculum and replaced by authoritarian consensus. The ‘disability’ stereotype was born and is continually reinforced via this process. […]


Gregarious family life and powerful love intimacy is real in the life of people with broken bodies

Charismatic , charming, and humorous, Robin Francis Cavendish is another well publicised story of a man who was not ‘disabled’ by life or society in spite of his massively damaged body. The 2017 film Breathe, directed by his son, is based on the true story of Robin’s life. But does the film tell the full story… of a quadriplegics normal life? Robin refused to be […]


Polio is a good example to explain the difference between sickness and ‘disability’

At various times during the first half of the 20th century, with an upsurge in cases each summer, Poliomyelitis, commonly called polio struck randomly. Polio is a virus that spreads indiscriminately from human to human. A virus that socked individuals without warning and who once infected had no treatment besides time and tending to the symptoms. With similar numbers to the COVID19 virus, in about […]