Category: Australia


Transvestite, transgender, cross-dresser, drag queen and gender fluid, maybe a social normal for some people but that does not equal a standard norm of society

This personal opinion piece is not a ruling about any individual consenting adult who choses to be in a same sex relationship, or those who chose to cross-dress, or those who chose to imitate women as drag queens, or those who chose to live as a gender identity other than their X or Y chromosomes make up. I acknowledge the personal lifestyle choice and have […]


“If you can’t walk you can’t take the tender” is simply violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation

Hurtful disability discrimination is caused more though plain ignorance due to no experience so no recognition of someone else’s normal. Not all disability discrimination is illegal nor should it be. This is a two way street. I will next discuss the intensive news and internet exposed incident instigated by a C5 quadriplegic public speaker that occurred at an Indian restaurant near his home in a […]


What humanity means is forgotten by the elite who enjoy and control abstract human rights

Licorice is a sweet, chewy, aromatic black substance made by evaporation from the juice of a root and used as a sweet and in medicine. Licorice Allsorts came into being when a Bassett company’s salesman accidentally tripped over dropping a tray of samples, he was showing a client, mixing up the various sweets. The mascot of the Bassett company is Bertie Bassett, a figure made […]


The Social Model of Disability is a joke Joyce!

Australia’s proud culture was built on taking the Micky out of all and sundry especially ourselves. Jokes are a fantastic tool to allow people to see and be educated in the variation in culture and individual situations. An individual reaction to a joke provides an insight into that individual’s belief system. Nothing more, nothing less.   Offense comes from within the self and cannot be […]


‘He’ is my husband; I am not his ‘carer’ so treat me like you treat everyone else’s wife

Diversity is a catch cry, all dressed up with nowhere to go in the discussion of disability embracement. Many people are overly concerned with cultural and linguistical diversity at the expense of rigorous discussion from free thinking and real lived experiences of people who have consistently and continually been included in somethings and excluded from other things.   The phrase “politically correct” is used to […]