Category: Aboriginal Race


Two with mobility condition of paraplegia. One got much more due to his “disadvantaged” ‘Aboriginal’ socially constructed race heritage

The two men in the photos in this blog are Kevin Coombs and Bruno Secondo Moretti. Both were born in Australia in 1941. Both obtained the physical mobility impairment of paraplegia before adulthood. Both came from non-English cultural heritage. Bruno’s parents had immigrated from Italy and English was a second spoken language by Bruno. Bruno Moretti deserved to be recognised in a way that he […]


Without assimilation Australian culture and values are being lost, confused, and overridden

A national constitution is a set of rules for the responsible governing of that country. Let’s start at the very beginning, the word ‘native’, a noun, is defined in the English language by Merriam-Webster dictionary as: The word indigenous is an adjective and derives from the Latin noun indigena which means ‘native’. Plain simple truth is every Homo sapiens born in Australia is an Australian […]


Albert Namatjira is happy with what whitefella gave not what the blackfella takes Part 3 of 3

It was not what the whitefella gave Albert Namatjira, more exactly, it was what the blackfella took from him that made him lose his will to paint and live in this world anymore. They took his kindness, they took his money, they smashed his dignity, and they trashed his home. They fought with him and made him cry on the inside. They took his freedom. […]


Albert Namatjira – Speak the truth, strip beliefs back to the core Part 2 of 3

Dreamtime is the foundation of the Australian natives creed, traditions, and culture. A belief that the ancestors made the entire world in a continuum of everywhen – the past, present, and future. The Rainbow-Serpent, a whitefella coined term, divulges myths known by numerous Australian native names. The myths all seem to signify a common deity who is the giver of life and creator of the […]


Torres Strait islander savagery ceased with British civilization

Torres Strait islanders are people who graduated from inter island warfare and savagery to British civilization in little more than half a century. Travelling through the Torres Strait throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries was a dangerous passage for European seafarers. Apart from a maze of largely not surveyed reefs, mariners had to negotiate passage through waters inhabited by local islander tribes who […]