
Emergency plan was government cure for“invisible grim reaper” COVID-19 virus

By Maria

In 2020 nearly every government on Earth panicked and fell into the same New World Order trap.

Both COVID-19 and Black Summer bushfires are individual disasters that started as emergency situations. One was caused by nature the other by a man-made reaction to World Health Organisation “virus pandemic propaganda”.

In the case of COVID-19 all government in Australia failed its citizens.

Governments around Australia do need to do what they can to protect the legal human rights of all people including the aged and people with disability during emergency and disaster situations.

Adults, adolescents, children, and babies. Some healthy, some incapacitated, some impaired, and some aged live within Australian population.

There are two categories of the aged and the impaired. Those who are personally incapable of looking after them self and those who are personally capable of looking after them self.

Then living within the Australian population there are some people who are obese, or suffer frailty, or are medically ill.

Institutional settings are vastly different to that of living independently. Yet somehow the conversation confuses the two and lumps people with impairment and many in their twilight ‘aged’ years into the same melting pot.

Even more troubling is many people living with impairment that are reliant on a vast amount of external care to assist them to live daily life, and their activists, sermonise their ideal right to live where and with whom they like as if this is rational personal decision. They expect society to provide them with a mechanism that is overall beyond the human performance reality, and they are asking for something that is not available to countless ‘able’ people living in the same society.

Group homes, “A place you can call home and live independently on your terms, where your choices and privacy are respected” and where “we guide our residents decision making” and aged care facilities are institutional settings and not independent living even though the promise is to provide high levels of respect and personal care combined within a warm, friendly environment made to look and feel like home.

Group homes are government regulated and often funded living quarters that are offered for those with intellectual disabilities, medical conditions, or a combination of both. This type of accommodation does not cater for all the people living with impairment in the wider community.

People living with impairment who have medical conditions that cause them to be vulnerable to contagious infections cannot be thought of in the same way as fit and healthy people who are living with impairment.

Just because a person cannot stand up and walk does not mean they live a disabled by society lifestyle.

The probability that a person will die from a particular disease does not merely depend on the disease itself, but also on the treatment they receive, and on the person’s own ability to recover from it.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the government reaction to it will be proven in time to be a man-made disaster, a great big shame and an abuse of all people living through the misguided loyalty to data modelling based on assumptions, not facts, and resulting medical emergency planning and responses.

The hardship and societal damage caused by the reaction to this pandemic is as a result of action that insists the emergency plan must be abided by, no matter what, even when the emergency is proven to be a furphy. The emergency plan was the advertised cure of this “invisible”, “unknown source”, deadly Grim Reaper COVID-19 virus.

We were told by politicians and unelected over paid government bureaucrats COVID-19 was so infectious, so fast moving, such a wicked enemy, that we would be all heavily fined, handcuffed in our own home, or even gaoled for up to 15 years if we did not demonstrate blind adherence to their political authority. Our basic legal human rights were sacrificed in an attempt to eliminate their perceived danger.

No one knows the human immunity rate to COVID-19 or any other virus as there is no test to measure it.

According to the World Health Organisation a pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology, or disease severity. By this definition, pandemics can be said to occur annually in each of the temperate southern and northern hemispheres, given that seasonal epidemics cross international boundaries and affect a large number of people. However, seasonal epidemics are not considered pandemics.

COVID-19 pandemic has been marketed to the world as a deadly unstoppable monster creating fear of a danger that did not actually exist. The mayhem was caused because governments around the world tried to misguidedly protect their hospital systems instead of their people because they all trusted the absurd, expert, predictive data modelling.

What most people wanted and needed to know was if they were infected with COVID-19 how probable was it that they were likely to die from the virus? What was the virulence or the severity of the virus?

An honest test of COVID-19 seriousness would be to measure and report how many people were sick enough to require hospitalisation and then intensive care.

The Australian and state governments continually spoke of cases as if each case was heading towards a fatality instead of >99% of cases presenting as mild flu like symptoms leading to full recovery.

Some spout the Case Fatality Rate as an indication of how deadly the disease was. The Case Fatality Rate is the number of confirmed deaths divided by the number of confirmed cases. This measurement does not use the total number of cases. The push was for as many people to have the test as possible so that they can confirm more cases. Without confirmed cases they have no data for their predictive modelling.

Victoria one day did around 40,000 tests to find around 700 confirmed cases, another day around 20,000 tests to find around 250 confirmed cases, later they did around 9,000 tests to find around 50 confirmed cases. Each test costs around $200?

The Case Fatality Rate is useless data as it relies on the number of confirmed cases (and many cases are not confirmed) along with the number of people who have died (some who were currently sick died later). When there are people who have the virus but are not diagnosed the Case Fatality Rate will overestimate the true risk of death.

Other sets of data put forward were the Crude Mortality/Death Rate and the Infection Fatality Rate.

The Crude Mortality/Death Rate is calculated by diving the number of deaths from the virus by the total population. It is a measure to indicate the probability that any individual in the population will die from the virus. It is not accurate as not everyone in the population was infected.

The Infection Fatality Rate is the answer people should be wanting to know as it tells us if someone is infected with the virus how likely it is that they will die.  The Infection Fatality Rate is calculated by diving the number of deaths from the virus by the total number of cases. However, the total number of cases is not known because not all people infected with the virus have been tested. So, the Infection Fatality Rate was also an inaccurate measure.

We do not know how many people have been infected with COVID-19, what we do know is the infection status of the people who have been tested. Confirmed cases are those with lab-confirmed infection. We cannot forget that without testing there is no data for the supercomputer modelling output.

Another issue was what was counted as a COVID-19 death as a positive test result is not required for a death to be registered as COVID-19. A GP on 3AW radio talk-back during the pandemic stated a person whose death was a direct result of a blood clot was put down as a COVID-19 death even though the virus had nothing to do with the cause of death.

What is indisputable is that the mortality risk was higher for older populations and those with underlying health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory disease. Yet many centurions had and survived the COVID-19 virus.

But the unanswered question is the virulence of the virus itself. It has been widely reported that doctors working in the aged-care environment described casual factors related not only to the virus but to other care related issues, including isolation, loneliness, depression, and related diminished nutritional intake.

Last year and the many, many years before people with lung cancer, Alzheimer’s or other terminal illnesses heading towards end of life became infected with pneumonia and died. Such situations and death via the COVID-19 virus are heralded as an evil, invisible enemy, worldwide pandemic tragedy.

Reckless and intentional exaggeration to justify an inhuman medical health officer and government plan purportedly introduced to save hundreds of thousands of lives.

When calculating a mortality rate of an illness you need to know how many actual cases in the population there are and the number of deaths that result as a direct result of that illness. When a government medical report uses the number of reported cases, they vastly overstate the mortality rate.

As time goes by COVID 19 pandemic has shown the world that the everyday lives of citizens were involved in a global social experiment. Being viewed like a movie on the screen. A social experiment to test how compliant most people who lived freely in a democratic society would comply to having very basic freedoms removed from them.

A global social experiment that demonstrated government propaganda of Future Expectations Appearing Real by the use of data modeling projections with no validity most certainly works.