
“Climate Change” is a religious dogma with built-in multi-level marketing Ponzi scheme

By Maria

Wind Farms and Solar Panel parks are ruining our natural environment.

Religion is the belief and worship of a superhuman power of powers.

In every way today’s topical “Climate Change” is a religious dogma with a built-in multi-level marketing Ponzi scheme.

The sun and wind are being used to induce and accelerate lasting damage to our planet’s natural environment.

To “save the planet” we need more mines so more irreplaceable rare earth minerals can be mined.

For centuries the sun and the wind have dried clothes hung outside with no detriment placed upon the human species. Through political ideology the sun and wind are being used to induce and accelerate imaginary climate change.

The psychological stress “climate change action to save our planet” is putting on society is just plain wrong. The direct and flow-on effects of “climate change” place adults and children at risk of mental health consequences including PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias, sleep disorders, attachment disorders, self-harm and substance abuse.

Innocent children are not sleeping at night. Innocent children are in conflict. Innocent children are full of anxiety about the poor little animals and rainforests. Innocent children are depressed. Innocent children are losing hope that they will have a world to grow up and to live in. Innocent children’s lives being sacrificed to satisfy the green god investors greed.

Innocent children are being disabled by society in the “catastrophic climate emergency, save our planet” fabrication.

Political ideology surrounding “Climate change” has nothing to do with saving the planet it is green spin that is doing nothing to protect blameless humans, wilderness, landscapes, and animal species.

Has outrageous religious embodied political dogma really changed over the millennium?

Once upon a time in Maya culture human and animal sacrifice rituals were commonplace. High ranked members of the religious and political class spouted the perspective that blood was a potent source of nourishment for the blood lusting Maya deities. The sacrifice of a live human being was seen as a powerful blood offering to the gods. Live human beings had their heart cut out of their body as a gift of a meal to the gods. A still beating, pumping blood, human heart was amputated to feed the cravings of a fabricated god.  Live human beings sacrificed by chopping off their head. Live human beings’ abdomen slashed and torn to the remove organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The ultimate offering of blood to the gods came from high-status enemies and innocent children from the local community. Captive kings, rulers, and prisoners of war were highly prized human being sacrifices. 

The mass status quo belief was that human blood sacrifice nourished the gods and without it the sun would cease to rise, crops would fail, and the natural world as they knew it would end.

One day the culture realised they had been conned. Free of the treachery they saw the sunrise. Daylight did naturally follow the darkness of the night and never was and never would be dependent on the power grappling human sacrifice lie.  

“Global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. That event was believed to have been caused by a giant asteroid. This time it is not an asteroid colliding with the Earth and wreaking havoc: it is us…”

“Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long-since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming…”

“I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy… Once the renewable infrastructure is built, the fuel is free forever. Unlike carbon-based fuels, the wind and the sun and the earth itself provide fuel that is free, in amounts that are effectively limitless…”

“The conversation on global warming has been stalled because a shrinking group of denialists fly into a rage when it’s mentioned.” …Al Gore

Climate change beliefs today are a typical reminder of how simple it is to convert a mass of normal people into human sacrifice participants. First the scare was “Global warming – the rain that falls will not fill our dams or river systems!” “The polar ice cap will be gone by 2013!” When these myths proved to be untrue the language changed from “global warming” to “climate change” and “the science of climate change is settled”.

Media quickly seize upon each extreme weather event, highlight and then exaggerate the natural weather cycle as having the fingerprints of man made “climate change”. “We have a climate emergency!” “We are already seeing the devastating effects of climate change on global food supplies, increasing migration, conflict, disease and global instability, and this will only get worse if we don’t act now.” “We are in a life-or-death situation of our own making. Save the planet from catastrophic human induced climate change or you and your loved ones will die!” “The point of no-return is no longer over the horizon; ten years is all the planet has before the natural environment implodes.”

Even though they are being painted as, wind turbine farms and solar panel parks are not part of the natural environment. Both have a dramatic visual impact and burden on the landscape and tarnish the natural beauty of our planet. Both effect the local habitat and threaten local species of animal and plant life. Both effect the natural flow of atmospheric climate.

Solar panels and wind turbines are not renewable energy and as natural resource energy generators they are not free of a cost of production. They have a limited life span. The energy generators themselves have a need to be continually replenished. The wind and the sun and natural fossil material in the ground do not provide any free fuel in any amount, nor an amount that is effectively limitless. However, the sun and the wind will dry clothes hung outside on a clothesline at no financial cost to every household.  

In 2021 wind turbines and solar panels generated 10% of the world’s electricity requirements. Winds turbine farms and solar panel parks have environmental and climate impacts that are significant. To hit the proposed renewable energy targets large scale alterations to our natural landscape are envisaged but people are not looking. Blind to the consequence.

The scale of installations that is required around the world to make a dent in the world’s fossil fuel energy demand is massive, engulfing thousands upon thousands of square kilometres of the earth’s pristine surface. Wind turbine farms and solar panel parks are an active player in the climate system – the atmosphere, the ocean and the land and its ecosystems.

If coal mines do then wind turbine farms and solar panel parks logically are a man-made production in “climate change”!

The ‘green’ anti-mining propaganda relies upon naivety and at its core is deceptive. Governments around the world are displaying a debaucherous “climate change” gold rush mentality.

In 2022 Australia was home to the schemed development of a $20 billion solar farm in the heart of the Northern Territory at Tennant Creek. An area of more than 20,000 soccer fields, solar panels to spread across 15,000 hectares. Mining magnate Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest and tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, along with other investors, have procured tens of millions of dollars to fund this Sun Cable’s “save the planet” venture.

The best outcome for the planet is that this and other like minded schemed developments will fail.

It is reported that more than 92,000 wind turbines have been built across Chinese territory, 70,800 across the United States and 330,000 around the world. And this is just the start of feeding the lusting “climate change” “save our planet” fabrication. About 50 million acres of new land are expected to be developed for ‘green’ energy production in the United States by 2035.

Forget food production as it is seen that the human species will survive without farming because cows fart and fertilizers that feed farm crops are deadly to greenhouse emissions. The land is required for solar panel parks and wind turbine farms not animal and crop farms.

“Climate change” projects like the Jiuquan Wind Turbine Farm with 7,000 wind turbines installed across inner Mongolia are huge ‘green’ energy investment vehicles. Each wind turbine requires 8½ tons of rare earth elements and critical minerals like copper, zinc, and nickel. Simple maths tells us that 59,500 tons of rare earth material is required to be mined just for this one farm. 2,805,000 tons of rare earth material required to mined for 330,000 wind turbines around the world.

Wind turbine farms and solar panel parks need to engulf more land than fossil fuel power stations and demand to be built in wild and rural areas, which can lead to “industrialization of the countryside”. Wildlife and habitat loss, destruction of pristine wilderness rain forests, and a drop in tourism.

Cutting carbon emissions means the biggest increase in mining the world has ever seen. Three times more minerals mined than fossil fuel power stations require to generate the same amount of energy.

The energy produced by wind turbines is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished, however, the sober truth is that much of the rare-earth materials used to manufacture a wind turbine is anything but renewable. To power clean energy, to create a green economy, green metals need to be mined. Rare earths, critical minerals, high purity quartz, are the new mining boom.

To “save the planet” we need more mines so more irreplaceable rare earth minerals can be mined.

People become convinced that what they have been told repeatedly is not to be challenged by their own thoughts. Logic and history and facts are written off as nonsense. Earth’s atmosphere is made up of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide (.04%), methane, water vapor, and neon are various other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent. Teeny organisms identified as cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae conduct photosynthesis: using sunshine, water and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.

Forget speaking about facts like CO2 – Carbon dioxide is an important heat trapping greenhouse gas as such is an integral part of the natural global ecosystem, or you will be ostracized and scorned and shouted down by the people with skin the “global warming” “climate change” “save our planet” multi-level marketing Ponzi scheme.

To save the planet we need to forget climate change as a topic of education and replace it with children and the modern younger generations being taught to think in a critical, logical, and investigative way. Moral value thinking is a process that allows people to assess how something will affect themselves and the people around them however it will never produce a peaceful, prosperous and happy world for humanity.

People in general need to debate both sides of an argument before cementing a hard core, unchallenged politically correct, and untrue beliefs into their brain.