
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is a modern dreamtime

By Maria
The First Nations cult’s ‘Voice to the Australian Parliament’ is in Putin’s echo chamber!

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is a modern dreamtime of some power driven greedy Aboriginal/First Nations activists… Will these people achieve in Australia what Putin has in Russia…?

My concern is not a personal issue related to one personal experience it is a public interest issue that effects all people said to have protection under our Australian Constitution and current complex and confusing human rights legislation.

Every person is unique therefore diverse within a single species of Homo sapiens

Our first Australian Nation today is proudly young and free. Six separate self-governing British colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia united to become states of our sovereign nation on 1 January 1901, a mere 122 years ago.

Australian citizenship is even younger. Recently celebrating its 74th birthday on 26 January 2023.

‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is a modern dreamtime of some power driven greedy Aboriginal/First Nations activists… Will these people achieve what Putin has in Russia here in Australia…?

Putin has accomplished an incredible feat that Napoleon and Hitler were unable to: he captured reign over Russian sovereignty without a bloody conquest with the inhabitants.

‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language and laws.

This new ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ dreamtime wants its own voice in our Australian Constitution.

This new ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ is distinctly different to our Australia and has its own flags, its own laws, its own provision government that issues its own passport and aboriginal birth certificates.

This new ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ has a 1996 dreamtime map of Mainland Australia and Tasmania – its own imagined country of nations over which it claims sovereignty.

No one has clearly articulated who is ‘an aborigine’ or ‘Australian aborigine’ in this new ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian’ nation.

“The Aboriginal Provisional Government (APG) was formed on the 16th of July 1990.  Established on the principle that Aborigines are and always have been a sovereign people, the APG campaigns for Aboriginal self-determination and self-government.  Our vision is for Aboriginal people to take our place among the nations and peoples of the world, not beneath them”.

“Rejecting assimilation into the Australian state, the APG maintains that we as Aboriginal people have the right to decide the future of our lands and lives to the exclusion of colonial interference.  We ran this country once, and our sovereignty as Aboriginal people is the authority, we hold to run our country again.”

“Properly handled, widespread support for Aborigines could be a game changer – The recent survey showing 75% support for altering the constitution to benefit Aborigines could be a tool to turn around the fortunes of Aboriginal people, if properly handled, Secretary of the APG Michael Mansell said.  “The public wants to get their teeth into something real, something they can look back on and proudly say they not only supported a particular change but also they knew it would make a difference”.

“Secretary of the Aboriginal Provisional Government Michael Mansell says Aboriginal sovereignty is the foundation for Aboriginal rights and entitlements in the twenty-first century.” apg website viewed 31012023.  

Regardless of how many people desperately want to believe the dreamtime myth, mainland Australia and Tasmania do not have a continuous Aboriginal or Indigenous or ‘other’ cultural history and prior to British settlement never had a government of any description.

There is no physical evidence of a continual existence of any of the numerous local native mobs for even 100 years before Arthur Phillips arrived at Botany Bay on 18 January 1788. Nevertheless, for the mystical 60,000 heading towards 70,000 years so often claimed by those who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by propagating the myth.

There was no local native map of, or name for, the Australian mainland or Tasmania.

In aboriginal pop culture we often hear that in Latin the word ‘aborigine’ means ‘original inhabitants’ or ‘from the beginning’.

There are no ‘from the beginning of time’ Aborigines living in Australia today and there never was or never will be any.

The word aborigine traces back to two Latin words ‘ab’ and ‘origine’ literally meaning ‘by’ ‘birth’. A plural noun created for the pre-Roman inhabitants of central Italy.

Entering the English language in the early 1500’s ‘aborigines’ was only plural and belonged just to the original inhabitants of Latium, the central Italian region that includes Rome.

The word was used by ancient Romans to describe a group of people living in Latium, central Italy when they arrived in the area to build Roma. The group of local people called aborigine were thought to have ancestry that came from Greece and settled in the area south of Roma at some previous unknown date.

In the 16th century the English word ‘aborigine’ was used to describe local natives across the new world. The British used the word Aborigine to collectively describe the vast collection of local native mobs, speaking different languages and warring with each other, living in Australia in the 1820’s.

In modern day language the word ‘aborigine’ usually refers to native groups that claim to have an age-old historic or cultural ties to an area or country unlike other native or other groups who came later.

The enduring word ‘Abo’ is nothing more or nothing less than common Australian slang describing people who appear to have, or claim they have ancestry of one of the numerous local native mobs. 

We know for sure that human life did not originate in Australia. Local natives did not drop in from the sky. They came from other lands around the earth at some unknown recent past in human evolution.

There is no race of people living in Australia today, or any individual, who can honestly provide any evidence that their direct linage has lived continuously on this continent from the beginning of human existence. Dreamtime stories are impulses of imagination not reality.

A sunburnt country with bushfires, drought and flooding rains is a valid description of Australian landscape and over centuries the natural environment would have wiped out complete mobs of primitive local natives. Time and time again.

‘First Nations Peoples’. Who invented this modern day exclusion phenomenon? Why? For what purpose? Greed of course. A negative motivator that does not bring benefit to the many left behind through its passionless pitch. Follow the money… to uncover the few who reap the reward via covert concealment of their true intent. Making lots of money to benefit an elite power driven few… with the loudest microphone.

Being ‘Aboriginal’ or ‘Indigenous’ has lost being the flavour of the month and therefore its political power has diminished. So a new political movement has emerged. First Nations peoples. Full Blood, Half Caste, Quarter Caste, no direct bloodline, does not matter. What counts is unsustainable ancient time ancestral claims.

The United Nations claim more than 370 million people across 70 countries worldwide identify as ‘indigenous’. Said to practice unique traditions, these people claim to retain social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. United Nations asserts that “these First Nations people are spread across the world from the Arctic to the South Pacific, they are the descendants—according to a common definition—of those who inhabited a country or a geographical region at the time when people of different cultures or ethnic origins arrived. The new arrivals later became dominant through conquest, occupation, settlement, natural triggers, or other means.”

Amnesty International say ‘Aborigine’ is perceived as insensitive and offensive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past and lumps people with diverse backgrounds into a single group. What utter globalist nonsense.

First Nations people claim collective ownership. It is often said that the great thing about collective ownership is that everyone owns all. However, the reality is that nobody but the people in power own all. It is broad based private ownership that keeps people from system tyranny.

A wise nation will expand human liberty by striving to ensure broad based private and individual ownership of property is an everyday reality. Freedom and real and personal property rights are inseparable. 

People assigned to tribes, as exampled in the Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability, for special disadvantage investigation are given a higher value and receive preferential treatment which confirms that moral failure is without end and accompanied by painful realities, visible everywhere.

The birth of humans is a naturally occurring event. Indigenous means occurring naturally in a particular place; native. So all people born on the Australian mainland and the state of Tasmania are indigenous and native to this nation. Australia has many species of indigenous plants and animal life, many unique to our part of the Australian continent. 

Until now Australian citizens have owned a precious gift given to us by our young nation’s founding fathers when on the 1 January 1901 the Commonwealth of Australia was born.

The Australian Constitution, in its current form, is an embraced heirloom that protects us from Wally dictator’s like Putin, Hitler, and Xi Jinping and greedy political global cults like the ‘First Nations Peoples’.

The citizens of Australian have claimed a Constitution which verbalises the set of basic rules by which Australia is run as a cultural society.

The fundamental law of Australia binds all citizens together. The members of the Federal Parliament and the members of the Parliament of each State and Territory and every court judge and magistrate in the land have been entrusted by this document to protect Australia’s way of life and our country’s rule of law.

The Constitution, a fundamental law that guides the makeup of the Australian Parliament and tells our nation’s politicians what they can make laws about and how the power of citizens is shared.

The Constitution, an important to citizen legal document which created Australia as a sovereign constitutional monarchy nation. A representative democracy with the members of the parliament being elected directly by the people at constitutionally mandated elections. A sovereign nation answerable to its citizens and not answerable to any other country, religion, or group of people on this earth.

Our Australian Constitution gives our citizens the power to make and manage national laws via three groups of Australian only (no dual) citizens.

The Legislature as the Australian Parliament.

The Executive as the Australian government.

The Judiciary as the High Court of Australia and other federal courts.

Let us remember though that once something is in our constitution, the High Court is able to interpret it based on the High Court Judges’ whim. The judges’ decision is then beyond the control of the parliament that is, the elected representatives of the people.

The global First Nations Peoples political cult is trying to use Putin like tactics to lure unwitting citizens to cede their sovereignty of modern lands that First Nations Peoples cult members have no moral or other right to hold.

The First Nations Peoples cult’s Australian history book on the shelf keeps regurgitating 250 year old Chinese whispers and this is a dangerous state of affairs for all Australian citizens.

Only the high ranked members of a tribe carry a ceremonial pipe treasure, and their status is signalised by it. Their inclusion is guaranteed by it. Being a high ranked member of the tribe may allow one to sit in the circle and smoke the ancient ceremonial pipe, but that ceremony does not demonstrate courage or bravery or a willingness to dare to go where others before them have not dared to trek to enrich human life.

The ancient smoking ceremony is seen as the primary source of communication between the spirit ‘power’ and human beings so the chiefs can feel very safe and secure knowing there is no need to venture outside their power based circle protected within the citadel walls. They have the communication power to make their needs known and to ask for things they want in their life no matter how much damage it does to others.

To love and to be loved, to live and let live, to be kind and to have courage, to question everything you are told to believe in, to be free, to live peacefully and to seek personal prosperity are deep-seated prejudices.   

Bias is a natural inclination for or against an idea, object, individual, or group. Simply, does a person prefer this over that. Biases can be innate or learned. Biases can be visions planted into people’s brains with seeds that are allowed to grow because their inner voice has been silenced. People stop listening. People stop engaging. People stop dreaming. People stop loving. People become apathetic and in restless dreams wander alone within the crowd. People lose hope and choose to die.

Speaking a bias is not something to be feared and is a healthy response to living in a humane and naturally cruel world. People talking, and people listening. Topics being freely debated. Songs being sung, heard, danced, and shared. Without bias the world is an opinionless empty delta that is incapable of sustaining human life in a peaceful, prosperous, and loving way.

Through open discussion, awareness, inquiry, and the deliberate challenging of consensus, communities can mitigate damaging biases. Voices will emerge from the inner sound of silence. People will be released from their restless dreams dispelling visions implanted into their brains while they were not paying attention to what was really happening to their world. People choose to thrive and live fulfilled lives.

People today are under enormous pressure to be silent about what they really think and believe. People are pressured to say things they do not really believe is true. To spout the bias of the lecturers who create all sorts of models to dominate public opinion, political action, attitude, court rulings, and behaviour.

The truth is overrun by opinion and the modelling in the minds of those with the microphone. Academics, journalists, reporters, opinion presenters, commentators. When opinions are echoed often enough people forget where they have come from and what their innate and self-developed biases are. Confused personal preferences emerge. Artificial communities with multiple languages languish. Then as a consequence the opinion becomes a strange, stage-managed, echo in the lost individual’s well of silence.

In the well of silence, drowning, death by suffocation of individual opinion is real. Without a struggle, without making much noise, often silent, death occurs after the well of silence takes on the echoed opinions. This silence intake then interferes with speaking. The breath becomes heavy, the right amount of oxygen stops being delivered to the well. The individual’s opinion is dead then buried under the microphoned slush piling upon it.

Thunderstorms arise when the atmosphere is unstable. The collision of rain, ice, hail, or snow inside a storm cloud generates an imbalance of positive and negative electrical energy between the sky and earth or within the cloud itself. Lightning with the sound of thunder comes to us to rebalance the electrically charged collisions of numerous unwitting participants carried in the cloud.  

Positive and negative energy functioning together creates a giant discharge of electricity about 1.4 billion times a year across the Earth. A natural phenomenon. When lightning strikes, downward or upward, the flash of the lightning bolt is seen day or night. A random act of nature that can strike in the same place twice and many times over.

Stagnant water is level and in it the slush rises to the top. Storm clouds bring lightening, thunder and rain. Rain brings floods. Floods cause the slush in wells to be brought over the top of its wall to be washed away and dissipated into a mass of fast flowing water. Toss and tumble waters with dynamic crests and troughs that purify themselves in a few hundred yards flow far and wide bringing new life to a barren landscape.

An inclusive society does not divide everyone up into tribes and then allocate resources according to the needs of the individual tribe advocates, chiefs, and power-brokers. An inclusive society values individual freedom over collective restrictions. An inclusive society does not rewrite history to allow takers to enrich themselves with danger fuelled claims full of self-absorbed and self-serving fantasy stories.

Inclusion is a sense of belonging, of being accepted for we, and being treated as a unique me. An inclusive society sees everyone as basically the same and integrates the unique differences between people by using the strength of one to overcome a weakness in another in a spur-of the-moment way. The built and natural environment are something to be overcome not necessarily ripped down and rebuilt.

Does a tattoo mean a person has customized their body to express or experience ownership of it?  Is a tattoo merely an expression of uniqueness? Or an expression that makes a person unlike any other, representing an important aspect of who the tattoo owner sees themselves to be? Or a means of taking back power to reclaim personal autonomy? Is a tattoo a reminder that a person perceives that they have no control over their outside world?

Beliefs drive values, values drive behaviour. This explains where the world is today. Why people cower in the corner fearful of the world around them fracturing, breaking up. Why everything is scripted, then messaged through the ‘controller’ media who rely on the illusion of ‘control and power’ to influence the masses. Why there is so much self-harm and permanent ink body art, and graffiti sprayed on fences, lamp posts, freeway signs and subway walls and why people have lost trust that not enough of those around them will do the right thing. Why people have no pride in their unique natural clean skin self.

The rule book is brought in and made thicker day by day. Quickly changing and now so thick and complicated no one can find what the rules are they are meant to follow anyway. Nevertheless, understand why the rule is there in the first place. Maybe just to have a rule… what would we do without so many goddam rules?

Is the right to pursue happiness the same as the right to be happy? No.

One is a personal opportunity of liberty and freedom the other is a demand on and by society. “You will own nothing, and you will be happy!” the World Economic Forum tells us.

The following needs to happen if our Australia is to be retained by all Australian citizens.

  1. Extinguish Native Title law.
  2. Repeal all laws relating to ‘Aboriginal’ ‘Indigenous’ and ‘First Nations’ people.
  3. Expose the intent of the First Nations people worldwide cult.
  4. Ban welcome to ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’ propaganda and indoctrination ceremonies.
  5. Deregister all Aboriginal Corporations.
  6. Remove Aboriginal land councils authority to issue permits and charge fees to enter, fish, film and perform other activities in ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia’.
  7. Return Ayers Rock and the surrounding national parks land and all other Aboriginal corporation land to all Australians.
  8. Vote ‘NO’ at the Aboriginal Voice referendum.