
Transvestite, transgender, cross-dresser, drag queen and gender fluid, maybe a social normal for some people but that does not equal a standard norm of society

By Maria

This personal opinion piece is not a ruling about any individual consenting adult who choses to be in a same sex relationship, or those who chose to cross-dress, or those who chose to imitate women as drag queens, or those who chose to live as a gender identity other than their X or Y chromosomes make up. I acknowledge the personal lifestyle choice and have no intention of interfering with consenting adults personal decisions.

“The pink and the blue in the Transgender Pride flag are now symbolic of trans people” says Monica Helm, a biological man living as a woman. This man is the designer of the Transgender Pride flag.

When Monica was a newborn boy his catholic parents named him Robert Hogge. Born on 8 March 1951 he is today a seniors adult male. He has a social label of Trans Woman and lives in a self described lesbian relationship with Darlene Darlington, another trans-identified male who is 23 years his junior.

On 22 December 2022 Monica (71 years old) and Darlene announced the adoption of a 14 year old “trans gender daughter”. The child is a biological male who Monica claims is a “girl”. Both men will be called “Mom” by the child.

This man, Monica, identifies as a female but describes himself as more of a bigender person. He describes this allows his brain to float between multiple worlds, or solidly to take on one role or another. Sometimes he believes he is a man and a woman at the same time. He believes that he can change from man to woman, or woman to man in a nanosecond, then change back just as quickly.

How has society allowed this type of minority behaviour take precedence over our moral lives?

Tolerance of religious beliefs and moral values are part and parcel of of any civilized society and not all discrimination is unlawful or harmful, in fact, it is often necessary to protect the vulnerable.

Introducing “acceptable” inclusive and diverse language to change societal values should be called out and challenged for what it is debauchery. Are the alarms bells being heard? We hear nonsense in the form of politically correct speak like “minor attracted people in their pursuit of dignity in today’s wider societal move towards sexual liberation should be celebrated as a niche group alongside the LGBTI community. The public needs to change its attitude to minor attracted people to protect children”. The terms paedophile, hebephilia, and ephebophilia, are being rebranded as it is said those words stigmatise minor attracted people who may feel socially isolated.

Where is the “We will protect our innocent children from such deviate sexual fantasy and behaviour!” shout down and shut down of this minor attracted person politically correct coercion?

To inspire most people to feel tolerance and respect for people who are different has been replaced by inclusive and diverse dogma requiring affirmation and celebration, by all, for what minority groups galvanise for.

Why do the silent majority stay silent? Is it because they are publicly shamed if they dare speak out the truth? Or is it due to synchronised bulling of anyone who dares to think and does not take action in unison with these ‘progressive’ minority group activists?

A pendulum when pushed swings back and forward in two directions. The weight starts and finishes at a frictionless pivot. A position of equilibrium. The restoring force of gravity needs the transgender topic to be accelerated back towards the position of balanced reality.

Legally speaking, all people living in Australia have equal access to freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of religion.

I believe in and support the concept of individual freedoms and understand that Homophobia is an attitude of irrational fear or hostility towards gays and lesbians.

Just because a person does not embrace or argues against the common activism push that same-sex attraction is usual, moral, normal, and static does not make that person homophobic. Many gay people have changed their sexual preference time and time again depending on their psychological sexual preference at any point in time. And if people have religious beliefs and moral values about certain human behaviours they should not be persecuted for it and unfairly labelled as homophobic and chastened as haters.

There is a huge difference between a person’s normal life and what is considered normal. It is not normal to be blind and unable to see the world around you. However, a person who has no sight still has their normal life, albeit living with blindness.

People in Australia who are abnormal in their psychological gender identity and sexual preference are protected from discrimination by law. Most Australians support the idea that these fellow Australians deserve the same rights and protections as other Australians.

In saying that, my observation is that transgender is not commonly accepted within Australian society as okay and it is seen as a modern day body manipulation process that often results in regret, lifelong depression, self-harm and suicide. There is nothing ordinary, usual, or commonplace about it. Consenting adults with consenting medical professionals are free to experiment in this field, however, when the subject is a child or a person donned with a psychological label the word abuse has to be used.

The adoption of the ‘Transgender Flag’ has occurred due to the fact that baby boy blue and baby girl pink with the white strip of innocence is a clever play on the collective conscious psyche. Not a religious or moral conscience, the colours are a shared understanding of social norms relating to the birth of innocent babies and young children so people are usually attracted to the flag because of its colours.

The innocence of a newborn, baby girl pink and baby boy blue and purity associated white affect a person’s mind without their being aware of it.

Social norms are the interplay between behaviour, beliefs and expectations that are found acceptable and appropriate activity within a given civil society or community at a particular point in time. Making transvestite, transgender, cross-dresser, drag queens, and gender fluid a legal personal identity does not make the behaviour acceptable as a social norm in society. The adult behaviour of these categories is abnormal in the realm of biology and psychology and should be acknowledged and accepted as such. The behaviour is rightly called deviate as it departs from usual and established norms.

In the world of ducks, male ducks copulate with other male ducks in a violent action of superiority and a desperate fight for control over territory. A drake is a fully sexually mature adult male duck of any duck species, wild or domestic. The pecking order in flocks is established to assert dominance in a social hierarchy. Drake with drake copulation has nothing to do with love, or emotions, or feelings, or utopian sentiment, it has everything to do with social positioning and the illusionary power of control.

A person is unable to legally change their age on their birth certificate, driver’s licence, and other identity documents as it is considered fudging a biological fact. So why has biological gender been allowed to be abused by some who feel their abnormal psychological way of life should be accepted within the normal realm?

The reason for the fall in grace of biological gender is because of aggressive, loud, and incessant activism that tramples over the silent majority of people beliefs.

Consider a woman born in 1954 who decides she feels like being 25 years of age, so she starts to dress in clothing in common with the 25 year old age group. Does anyone honestly believe she is 25 years of age? Of course not. Mutton dressed up as lamb comes to mind. The woman could go to a plastic surgeon and ask them to manipulate her face, manipulate her neck, manipulate her flabby skin, manipulate her breasts, manipulate her bottom to give her the artificial look of a 25 years old. Does anyone really believe she is a 25 year old? People who did not know of her appearance previously may be deceived about her age, however, the people she knew before the manipulating surgery would not be deceived. Would any government allow her to change the year she was born on her birth certificate once a year to back her new personal identity? I do not think so.

Why is the situation different due to psychological sexual and gender preference?

The whole concept of transgender is weird and not well thought out.

It is illogical and immoral that a person who has body parts of a man can be called a transwoman. Who decided that they were not transmen? Just because a man lives as he thinks a woman does, that does not make him a woman. Even if he changes his name and takes hormones and has plastic surgery to make him appear more like a woman he simply is not a woman and never can be.

Back to the Transgender flag and Monica our transgender as a public lived experience model.

As far as I am concerned Monica Helm, the designer of the Transgender Pride flag is a transgender male and not a transgender female. He states he had an epiphany one morning just after waking up, which he referred to as “divine intervention” that gave him the colours and the design of the activist flag.

Well I am the “divine intervention” silent majority wake up call to call out such bluff!

As the designer of the flag Monica describes “the stripes at the top and bottom are light blue, as the traditional masculine colour. The stripes next to them are pink, the traditional feminine colour. The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender.

Monica Helm is reported as saying the pink and blue in the flag are now symbolic of trans people. So the message to us is all babies born today are trans people.

Robert Hogge known as Monica Helm was a baby boy born in 1951 into a catholic faith family. In 1970 he joined the US Navy as a man and while in service used to steal women’s underwear from the laundry room of his compartment complex. In 1973 he used to fantasise and get excited holding and wearing his mother’s underwear. He has written that sexual excitement topped the list of what came over him while wearing woman’s clothes. In 1974 he realised that he would like to dress as a woman. In 1978 he met the first man he had known trying to live as a woman. He felt the need to create a ‘community’ and his activism started.

In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s he was a heterosexual erotic cross-dresser who secretly attended drag clubs. In 1978 he married a biological woman named Donna, and he was sexually attracted to other women. He fathered two children with Donna. In 1987 during a ‘Holiday in femme’ a male friend who had started the ‘I am a woman’ process completed the puzzle in his head and that convinced him he needed to do the same. In 1992 he started to take estrogen developed as hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women and had fantasies about copulating with men while also acknowledging that his need to appear as a woman did not replace his need to have sexual relationships with women.

In 1997 he started living his female masquerade and made a declaration he was a lesbian. He started to wear prosthetic breasts and wear dresses cut too short in public and attend lesbian clubs to flirt and join in sensual dancing. His marriage to Donna ended the following year. In 2000 he became an active trans activist. After meeting his current male wife at a Contra Dance they went to a lesbian bar and Monica states people see them as a lesbian couple. He thinks it is important to include trans men in talking about women’s history and asserts that being a woman has nothing to do with what’s between your legs, it has everything to do with what’s between your ears.

Concerningly it has been reported that in January 2023, 5% of young adults in the US say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth. To make the statistic real the number is 16,600,000 young adults in one western civilization country.

Is it any wonder so many young people are confused? Today the biological facts and normalness of human identity and relationships are deliberately hidden in the closet. It is the unusual and unreal that is the forced topic of “acceptable” conversation.

No human is born in the wrong body. Over time from baby, to toddler, to child, to teenager, and to adult a person may develop a belief that they were born in the wrong body but that cannot be so as humans only have one body with one brain that provides us with one conscious mind to think and build one personal identity that changes over time.

The mind is not a static stamp. A belief is a psychological concept and every belief every person has can be challenged. Beliefs can be rational or irritational or emotive or be the result of indoctrination and propaganda. Rational emotive behaviour therapy is one type of cognitive behavioural therapy that endeavours to assist a person challenge harmful thoughts to avoid damaging emotions or behaviours. The approach is used to help identify irrational beliefs and negative thought patterns that can cause living life to be more difficult than it needs to be.

Is the right to pursue happiness the same as the right to be happy? No. One is a personal opportunity of liberty and freedom the other is a demand on and by society. In this instance the silent majority need to push back on the demands of aggressive, loud, and incessant activism that tramples over the silent majority of people beliefs.