
Who is kidding who about blackfella inclusion in the Australian constitution?

By Maria

Who is kidding who about inclusion in the Australian constitution? The blackfella’s of today want their own national sovereignty “a space of our own, free from influence of whitefella government”

The Torres Strait Island flag was adopted by the nation of Torres Strait Islander peoples in May 1992.

The First Nations national flag was first raised on 9 July 1971 at a land rights activists rally on National Aborigines Day.

The black on both these modern man designed flags according to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet website in 2022 symbolises the people of these nations. One can only take this to mean two separate races of blackfella’s have deliberately excluded themselves from what they see as the whitefella Australian Nation.

Who is kidding who about inclusion and exclusion? The blackfella’s of today want their own national sovereignty “a space of our own, free from influence of whitefella government”. They demand to have their own house of parliament, passports and birth certificates, own estate freehold title to crown land, trees, water, fish, native animals, airspace and natural resource wealth. They demand a perpetual treaty of financial compensation. However they want to keep all whitefella way of life benefits as well because of their ‘disadvantage’.

Their claim signals that blackfella’s are disabled by whitefella society.

We see the ‘fruitful hunter’ in this hunter gather mentality. Traditional claims upon Australia’s wealth as dictated by the First Nations cult gurus.

Can you hear the shouting voice through the First Nations cult activists microphone… ‘The British settlement of the continent is labelled by us as illegitimate on both moral and legal grounds’.

The First Nations Crown Land grab pieces of legislation came into being because the activists and some academics, legal professionals, and politicians say they want to fix the problems the modern day ‘First Nations peoples’ claim they have. Difficulties, drawbacks, hindrances, obstructions, struggles, evils, messes, etcetera… all due to the British Empire daring to set foot on Australian soil some 253 years ago.

We are to forget what the British Empire lifestyle flow and civilization has brought in overall prosperity to all Australian citizens regardless of their personal genealogy. A sought after lifestyle flow that started to cultivate when the British First Fleet arrived in 1778 and not before.

 Modern land rights and native title legislation have both formally given current day ‘First Nations peoples’ cult rights in Australian crown land. Land rights frequently include a grant of freehold or perpetual lease title to specified First Nations cult activists. Native title is said to happen as a result of the recognition, under Australian common law, of pre-existing ‘First Nation peoples’ rights and interests according to traditional laws and customs.

Compulsory acquisition of freehold land is when the government decides that ‘we need your estate freehold land for a public purpose’. The owner of the estate freehold land is then in a position to set up a claim for compensation from the taxpayer.

In today’s world ‘First Nations cult activists’ land rights have given a very, very, very, small percentage of the Australian population estate freehold and other rights to Crown land that previously was for the benefit of all citizens. More than 40% of the Australian Mainland and 85% of the Northern Territory coastline is now controlled by First Nations people with no end of takeover in sight. The majority of the Australian population have no idea of what has been taken from them and future generations of Australians.

With First Nations people Land Rights Traditional Owners of the land own and control their land. They can say “no” to activities on their land. On the other hand Native title holders do not own the land under Australian law. They cannot say “no” to activities on the land. They can however make all sorts of legal taxpayer handcuffed agreements.

First Nations people freehold land is held by First Nations people Land Trusts. Land councils manage these trusts. Native title holders are required to have a corporation. This is known as a prescribed body corporate. Land councils help to manage these corporations. Covert, obscure, people.

First Nations cult land rights says Traditional Owners decide what happens on First Nations cult land and make decisions based only on blackfella made up ever changing law. Laws such as… at the age of 13 a child under customary law was supposed to become an apprentice wife, trained by her first wife older sister, to become the second wife when considered ripe enough. A child taught to fear the law, threatened with she would be beaten or killed if she did not do as the tribal law says she must.

The majority of Australian citizens are excluded from the title of ‘First Nations peoples’, ‘Aborigine’, and ‘Torres Strait Islander’. However all people, regardless of skin colour or genealogy who identify as being an ‘First Nations peoples’, ‘Aborigine’, and ‘Torres Strait Islander’ are included as being an Australian citizen and a ‘First Nations people’, and an ‘Aborigine’ and a ‘Torres Strait Islander’.

The Australian First Nations cult’s flag is flying permanently from the top of Victoria’s Parliament House. A modern flag designed in 1971 is to fly forever alongside the Victorian State and Australian National Flags.

As an act of reconciliation the New South Wales state government decided to spend $25 million to erect a flagpole on Sydney Harbour Bridge to enable the First Nations cult peoples flag to fly forever equal in significance with the Australian Flag.

Since then the state government has decided to save the money and not build a third flagpole on the bridge and has allocated the money saved to other First Nations activists whimsical demands.

The First Nations cult flag has been given significant national and international recognition by this government of the day action.

The New South Wales state flag once flying proudly with Australia’s nation flag on Sydney Harbour Bridge is to be discarded. Relegated to the shameful corner to enable the significantly vital to reconciliation First Nations cult activists flag to fly permanently instead.

Time and time again we are shown that Australia is not one nation of human beings it includes three separately defined races of people with federal, state, and territory governments operating as if they are individual nations sharing a land mass.

Local government buildings throughout Victoria fly the Australian nation flag, the First Nations cult peoples nation flag, and the Torres Strait Island nation flag alongside each other. Why?

“The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags are powerful symbols of unity and strength for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags is one of the most widespread and fundamental ways councils can recognise and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It is an important symbol welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to local government and the council area.” – Reconciliation Victoria

The above quoted words are nothing more than a meaningless motherhood statement of appeasement.

Besides being paid… What makes Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people need an important symbol of welcome to local councils in Victoria? Common practice at local government and business venues is a welcome to country to all in attendance on modern-day plotted, chartered and named First Nations cult activists land map… “First Nations country, always was and always will be First Nations peoples land” …

What’s really happening here? Nothing but modern day convoluted exclusionary balderdash!

The Australian Constitution is a legal document that sets out how Australia is governed. It is a set of rules telling the Australian people how their country is to be run. The structure of government is defined, and the powers of the nation and the states are written in one single document. The document outlines the roles of the executive government and the High Court of Australia.

To unite the colonies as one nation, Australians voted for the Constitution in a series of referendums. The Constitution had to be agreed to by the British Parliament before the colonies were able to unite as one country. A referendum of the people is required in order to change any part of the Australian constitution.

The Preamble is not part of the constitution itself and does not mention the people who were living in Western Australia at that time. Nor is there any reference to the people of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory as these territories were not created until after federation.

The 1967 Constitutional referendum and the amendments to sections 51 and 127 of the Constitution, allowed the Commonwealth the freedom to assume an Australia-wide responsibility for Aboriginal welfare. This would include such things as the payment of Social Security benefits to all of local native genealogy and allowed for full blood aborigines to be counted in the number of people to be represented in the House of Representatives.

The 1967 Constitutional referendum permitted the Commonwealth government to accept wider, however, not exclusive responsibility for Aboriginal welfare affairs.

The worth of the 1967 Referendum has been somewhat cloaked by various myths. These embrace the fallacies that the Referendum granted Aboriginal people citizenship, the right to vote, wage equality and access to social security, to bring social harmony, among other fads. The demands for constitutional change were about the federal government assuming management for Aboriginal welfare to end the riff-raff state controls. Yet, the lives of First Nations peoples today still remain primarily in riff-raff State legislative hands.

In 1979, In Coe v Commonwealth (1979) 24 ALR 118 the High Court struck out a statement of claim brought by Paul Coe proclaiming Aboriginal sovereignty over Australia. The Court alluded that the existence of native title would be “arguable … if properly raised”. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. In 1982, Eddie Mabo, Dave Passi and James Rice brought an action against the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth claiming ‘native title’ to Torres Strait Murray Islands.

The widespread view that the Aboriginal land rights movement returned to Indigenous Australians control of their land is a fallacy. The inconsistency between those living on Indigenous land and those living in the real Australia is an open window whitewash. Politicians, elders, academics, and consultants build successful money generating careers for themselves in the First Nations cult industry while the different ‘living museum species’ in remote communities languish.  

It is time to stop the rot and remove all Aboriginal, Indigenous, and First Nations legislation from all Australian, States, and Territories. One Nation with one category of people that being Australian.