
A stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to modern blackfellas

By Maria

A stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to a select faction of First Nations cult owned corporations. Crown land is not owned by the government of the day it belongs to its citizens.

Federation established six British colonies as one country named Commonwealth of Australia. All the land on the mainland continent of Australia and its islands are citizen owned Crown Land. Many citizens hold estates in Crown Land.

All Australian National Parks are on crown land. Crown land is an important asset for all Australians. The government of the country, states and territories are entrusted to manage the land on behalf of all the people who are Australian citizens. Public land managed and provided to all the community for a range of uses including housing, recreational, cultural, forestry, conservation and government services.

Goat island is an iconic piece of Sydney Harbour National Park and is a whereabouts abundant with Australian history. This valuable part of Australian history is being given away by the New South Wales government to an elite, privileged, group of Sydney ‘First Nations’ cult activists in an act of payback reconciliation. Why?

Allowing this type of land to be given to First Nations peoples land right activists sets a precedent. A dreamtime dared to be “dreamt out loud” is about to become a better than a lottery win reality. Real and visible Wipe-out of our Australian history before our eyes.  

The modern divisive blackfella land grab rights movement started in Australia in the 1960’s. The protective lines are slowly and surely being diminished into private freehold ownership of more and more land by a small minority of the population. A stealthful transfer of all Australian citizen’s common-wealth to a select faction of First Nations owned corporations.

The ROT must STOP!

Aboriginal land rights and native title rights are ‘payback’ for the perceived ‘sins’ of benevolent dead whitefellas. Modern exclusion legislation enforced upon the Australian citizens by the Australian and state and territory governments who really cannot be blind to the racist intent of the activists with the microphone.

The pusillanimous politicians are not blind to the truth of their action when they sheepishly say they are ‘doing the right thing’ and fail to explain to the citizens what they are pilfering from this generation and all the generations to come.

Shell middens are found all over the world, on coastlines, near lagoons, and tidewater flats, along major rivers, in small streams, wherever some variety of shellfish is found. The oldest known shell middens are about 140,000 years old and found at Blombos Cave in South Africa. Shell middens are construed as being the waste products of meals eaten by nomadic groups or hunting parties. But they can be a natural beach mound as seen on the Freycinet Peninsula in Tasmania.

Hunter gatherer middens consist primarily of concentrations of a variety of discarded shell and bone, botanical remains, ash and charcoal. At times it has been difficult for experts to tell the difference between naturally accumulating shell beds and habitually formed middens.

Without tangible evidence history is easily manipulated.

Modern day First Nations people claim shell middens are culturally significant sacred sites, linked to the Dreamtime. When really human made middens are the scraps of a meal left in a rubbish pile.

Goat island (Me-Mel) a jewel in the crown of Sydney Harbour is located in the middle of Port Jackson to the east of the Harbour Bridge, just north of Darling Harbour, between Balmain and Millers Point. It is a State Heritage listed National Park and the largest island in Sydney Harbour.

A prime, extremely valuable Australian public asset in real estate that the state government has deliberately let deteriorate over the last decade is to be a hand-back to First Nations people ownership and management control. The government allowed deterioration of the island has led to limited public access over the last decade.  

However, the ‘white elephant’ island is to be turned into Sydney Harbour’s ‘black pearl’.

Beneficiary Elder Moran promises “First and foremost though, the island will become a place where Indigenous Australians can come to practice their culture and pass it on to younger generations. Then we have the ability to potentially share it with others.”

It is not clear what precise use local natives made of the islands in Sydney Harbour prior to British settlement in 1788, beyond exploiting access to fishing shellfish. As the biggest of the harbour islands, it is thought Goat island may have been a local native meeting place.

Goat island was named so as this is where Governor Arthur Phillips allowed three goats, purchased in Cape Town during the First Fleet’s journey, to freely forage. The island is a 500 metre paddle from the mainland.

Local native people once spent time on Goat island gathering food. There is only one defined shell midden on Goat island. This is said to be evidenced by the fragmented shells in a small midden of shell layers consisting mainly of Sydney cockles, some Sydney rock oysters and hairy mussels. The midden on Goat island has been very disturbed by the surrounding landscaped gardens and assumes that the local natives gathered seafood that were available around the rocky shores of the island. Early colonial lime burners exploiting the shell piles to manufacture lime for mortar may have depleted other sites. No one knows.

A rock shelter was found on Goat island in 1990 by an amateur archaeologist. The sandstone overhang has a midden with singular crustacean shell, Sydney rock oyster. The overhang is thought to be big enough to live in. There is no evidence that this overhang was ever lived in or that any local native permanently lived on Goat island.

Goat island has been used as a quarry by convicts, a convict work gangs stockade, a home for convicts awaiting transportation to Norfolk Island, an explosives store, a police station, a fire station, a boatyard, a research centre during the Bubonic Plague (1901), the headquarters for the management of Sydney Harbour, a music concert venue and a film set. The site includes more than 30 buildings and other structures built from the 1830’s to the 1960’s including 4 cottages that were lived in by families of the fire-boat crew stationed on the island also a barracks for the unmarried members of the same crew.

Today the limited facility island forms part of the Sydney Harbour National Park. Public owned land.

Crown land is not government owned land. Crown land is public land owned by all Australian citizens.

Long term First Nations payback activist and former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, said returning Goat Island to local Aboriginal people will correct “a shocking historic injustice” but does not explain what that historic injustice is.  Former NSW Premier, Mike Baird said, “This is an incredible opportunity to recognise this unique site always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.” So where does that place and say about the rest of Australian citizen’s land?

A small group of First Nations peoples, activists with corporation ownership under their belt will decide how the island will be managed, who can visit it, when they can visit it, what is on it, and mainly use it to teach people about the centre of the First Nations peoples dreamtime story of Sydney. Teaching myths about Me-Mel translated as “the eye of the eel”. The Great Eel said to have created the Sydney water spaces, and the spirit who was laid to rest there. People will cover their hands with paint and put their hands on rocks as a demonstration of cultural experience.

No doubt the folklore about nomadic Bennelong inheriting the island from his First Nations nomadic father will be part of the cultural indoctrination. Intertwined novel fictions will lace the giveaway of the island as a validate payback for the extinction of a race through cruel whitefella genocide.  

Any income generated and government funding will be for these few lucky country First Nations peoples… the new freehold owner’s personal benefit.

Before handing over ownership of what currently is an open to the public limited access national park, the New South Wales government is spending $42,900,000- of taxpayer’s money for restoration to the islands seawalls and buildings, upgrading water and sewerage services, removing contaminants like asbestos and restoring the wharf.

There is no precedent for the giving away of such a significant historical part of Australia to a kinship of First Nations peoples owned enterprise. But then we do have the ‘Uluru’ pre-runner.

What will happen to the authentic Australian history of Goat island documented from 1788 to 2022? Wipe-out.

Such history as Charles ‘Bony’ Anderson Cave: A hollowed out section of sandstone in an overhang on Goat Island, carved to hold, the wild convict who was chained there for two years around 1838 during the island’s days as a convict prison. Turning violent after a head injury (intellectual disability) while serving in the navy in 1835. During his time on the island Charles Anderson received 1,200 lashes as punishment for trying numerous times to escape the island.

On Goat island Australian’s laboured between 1833 and 1839, on the building of the substantial, stone-built, bomb-proof construction today known as the Gunpowder Magazine Complex. Designed by colonial architects Edmund Blacket and Alexander Dawson. Erected by Commanding Royal Engineer, George Barney and was constructed of sandstone quarried on the island. It is one of the few major public utilities in Sydney that was built by Governor Richard Bourke.

The Colonial Magazine is historically significant and almost certainly the oldest surviving magazine built to store government and private merchant’s gunpowder and explosives in Australia. Live to tell the tale physical testimony does demonstrate the lifestyles and working conditions of a diverse range of occupants and staff on the island from then until now.

And then there are the gangs of convicts who quarried stone and flattened ground on a site at the south-western side of the island.

Where do the convict and other participants descendants fit into this chapter of Australia’s story and Goat Island? Wiped out because their ancestors arrived at the great southern land after some of today’s First Nations cult peoples ancestors are said to?

In 1901 the Sydney Harbour Trust constructed wharves, berthing facilities, coal-store, four cottages, a barracks, a Harbour Masters Residence, and workshop completing major alterations and appendages to the past barrack and cook house. From 1925 to 1931 the Trust developed a shipyard comprising spillways, and installed cranes and a rail system. The south-west of the island’s shipyard was used for the repair of trust vessels and a floating plant. The area grew to include four slipways, and a 230 metre wharf. The Queens Magazine became a general store, and the Colonial Magazine was reused as a shipwright’s workshop.

Built in the early 1900’s, on the highest point of the island, the Harbourmaster’s residence on Goat island has a great view of the Harbour Bridge and Sydney city. The charismatic, unoccupied Federation-era sandstone house has a stunning panoramic view of the Harbour Bridge and upper reaches of Port Jackson before it becomes the Parramatta River. This building was the previous home of the head employee of The Sydney Harbour Trust.

In the middle of the 20th century families lived in cottages on the island. A typical family was Sydney and Mary and their four children. Imagine being a child waking up in cottage number 4 to the sound of trains and trams crossing the Harbour Bridge. The smell of marine diesel and the salt spray. Catching a Maritime Services Board launch to go to school. No skyscrapers to see. Observing the coming and going of the great ocean liners and the sight of flying boats spotted below the main deck arriving and departing from Rose Bay.

Goat Island was used as a film-set for the Australian television series Water Rats which premiered on 12 February 1996 and ran for 177 episodes. The series which stared Colin Friels, Steve Bisley, Dee Smart and Catherine Mc Clements and others was based on work of the men and women of the Sydney Water Police who fought crime around Sydney Harbour and surrounding neighbourhoods.

In 1985 Midnight Oil held a rock concert on the Island as did Green Day in 2000. Foo Fighters performed a private concert on the island in 2011. Kings of Leon performed on the island in 2013 in front of 600 fans.

In the fantasy of nomadic Bennelong’s inheritance from his First Nation nomadic father, Goat Island was land in primordial state with no historical evidence of anything but one shell midden. Look at what the current government of New South Wales is gifting to ‘Bennelong’ via cult activists who identify as First Nation peoples living the British way of life two hundred and thirty four years later!     

Even though all the land in Australia is Crown Land for practical purposes Australian law recognises two basic distinct types of land ownership: estate freehold title; and Crown land. Individual States and territories have their own legislation that deals with the ‘ownership’ of their caretaker land. Not all government entrusted land has been converted to estate freehold title and the leftover is identified as government managed Crown land. Subject to the small print estate freehold title gives the landowner complete and unrestricted ownership of that land. Not all estate land has full ownership interests and rights. Different types include: leases; mortgages; easements and restrictive covenants; native title; and licences.

Crown land is managed by the federal and the state and territory governments on behalf of all the people who are citizens of Australia.

Government managed Crown land is publicly owned land acknowledged as all land which is “remaining” that is not estate freehold title and remains held by the Crown on trust for all her Australian people.